Foundation #1: Knowing God
If we're going to learn how to live right, we have to start with a right view of God.

My freshman year of college, I was confronted with a truth that changed my life. It was a truth both powerful and well-timed.
Though freshmen are universally recognized as humble and self-aware (I’m still waiting for a sarcastic font), I was admittedly a bit prideful and self-absorbed. I had just finished my senior year as valedictorian, class president, and prom king. In preparing for university, I was awarded several incredibly generous, competitive scholarships. And upon arriving at college, I had quickly made good friends and stepped into a hall leadership position.
I was feeling good and like I had it all figured out.
Then, my leadership team began reading Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer. It was there I found the truth my freshman ego needed to hear:
“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”
And the thing is, I still need that truth just as much today as I did when I first heard it six years ago. Then, it was my self-importance that needed to take a back seat. Now, it’s dozens of other things—from my political opinions to my job—I have to keep from becoming my new “most important thing.” This quote from Tozer reminds me that the foundation of my identity isn’t up for grabs. Nor is the foundation of your identity yours to choose.
We might think that we can craft our image through our style, persona, friendships, and social media presence. But whether we like it or not, what we think about God will always be the most important thing about us. Flowing from that, what we think about God is also the most foundational matter in how we live and that’s exactly why I found this to be the best place to start this blog.
Priority and Purpose
Personally, I believe that God is the creator of the universe, that He has power over all things, and that He is infinite in His goodness and beauty. Yet He still made Himself known. He didn’t remain aloof or distant. Through the Bible, the life of Jesus, and the world all around us, I believe that each one of us can know God intimately and personally.
If you already believe what I just stated, wouldn’t you agree there’s no greater priority or privilege than knowing God? And if you don’t believe the above statements, can’t you admit it’s a wonderful enough idea that it’s at least worth a try?
I wanted to start here because the purpose of this blog is to realize how we are to live in this world in light of who God is and the promises He’s given us. If I help you learn how to act well or interpret the world we live in without helping you learn more of who God is or to interpret the Scriptures that reveal Him, then I’ve completely missed the mark.
Our greatest purpose, our greatest peace, and our identities are all found solely in knowing God and nothing else. So, I beg of you, please hold me accountable to pointing you to Christ more than anything else.
Thinking Right and Acting Right
If God is truly God then we have a responsibility to recognize who He truly is, not just who we assume Him to be. But beyond that, what we think of God will also shape our actions and decisions.
Right views of God can lead to a right way of life. Wrong views of God will always lead to a wrong way of life.
The correlation between right thinking and right action is not guaranteed though. Sometimes people who have a correct knowledge of God will do the wrong thing. At other times, people who have wrong views about God will do the right thing.
However, knowing God gives us the basis we need if we are to live well. If we know God is in control then we can have peace when things feel out of control. If we know God is good then we can trust His purposes when things don’t make sense. If we know God is all-knowing then we can be assured that He hasn’t forgotten us.
What you think of God has very real practical results.
Hearts Aligned
Lastly, the more we know God the more our values and mission will be aligned with His.
It’s easy to get caught up in the battles of the day. With relentless breaking news updates and a 24/7 news cycle, there’s always an issue the world demands you to care about. Don’t let the headlines determine your heart.
Instead, spend time seeing God’s character throughout the Bible. Talk with Him. Read books like Knowledge of the Holy and Knowing God. Welcome God into every area of your life. Listen to other Christians share about how God has revealed Himself to them.
If you’re willing to do these things, I believe that will lead you to care about justice, as God is just. You’ll find yourself becoming more gracious and gentle. God’s concern for the orphan and the widow should cause you to be concerned for the orphan and the widow.
There are a billion ways to live and orient our focus, but there’s only one God who created us and knows how we’re meant to function.
Let’s trust that God knows best.
Let’s trust that knowing God and making Him known is our primary purpose.
Let’s trust that what we think of God will always be the most important thing about us and the rest will follow.
The Rec Center
I’m a firm believer that if you find happiness and beauty in the world, you ought to share with others. Happiness isn’t meant to be hogged. Beauty isn’t meant to be stored in bunkers.
So, in that spirit, I’ll close each blog with a list of a few things from my past week in which I’ll give a one-sentence review and tell you whether or not I recommend that book/activity/food/etc.
You’re probably a busy person. Feel free to take these recommendations or leave them. There’s no pressure and no offense will be taken. Unless you never read the books I recommend. Then, of course, great offense will be taken.
The awe and wonder of this baby in seeing her first waterfall: 9/10 would recommend.
Into the Spider-verse - A biracial superhero movie with a clever premise and beautiful animation that will entertain the whole family: 8/10 would recommend.
September’s slightly cooler temperatures that make evening walks more enjoyable: 7/10 would recommend.
Mosquito bites that result from the aforementioned walk: 1.5/10 would not recommend.
Butter chicken from an authentic, local Indian restaurant: 8.5/10 would recommend.
Photograph by: Rodrigo Rodriguez on Unsplash
Thanks for sharing these well-thought out words, and I enjoyed your recommendations at the end. It made me laugh when you said the only thing that will offend you is if we don’t read any of the books you recommend! That is so how I feel when I recommend books!
I would personally prefer to say that loving Yahweh (God) and loving others is our primary purpose, but if we do it right, it ends up being the same as what you said, “knowing God and making Him known.” I just prefer to stick to the way Scripture says things because, in my experience, it’s easy for nuances and varying interpretations to slip in, and after a while, something that was originally rooted in Scripture means something it was never intended to mean. That can obviously also happen with Scripture itself, but I find it’s a little easier to walk my way back to the truth when I stick to what Scripture actually says.